East meets West Educational Series
“The role of acupuncture in the management of rheumatic diseases”
The scientific committee of the Hong Kong Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation has organized an “East meets West” educational series since 2009. This educational series aim to promote interflow of knowledge and experience on patient management between health care professionals practicing western medicine and traditional chinese medicine in the field of rheumatology.
To support the World Arthritis Day (12 October) established in 1996 as part of a global awareness initiative by the United Nations endorsed Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010, the first symposium on “The role of acupuncture in the management of rheumatic diseases” was held on 26 September 2009 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Distinguished local speakers were invited. Ms. QIN Ai-ping from HKU SPACE gave a talk on “Introduction to concept of acupuncture – a bridge to western medicine”. Prof. ZHANG Shi-ping from the Hong Kong Baptist University delivered a talk on “The role of acupuncture in rheumatic conditions” and shared with us his research findings on acupuncture in musculoskeletal pain syndrome. Dr. Mason LEUNG from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University shared his clinical experience with the audience in his session on “Experience sharing/workshop on acupuncture in clinical practice”. The symposium was well received. Most audience expressed interests to participate in future symposium.