Educational Talk:
Kawasaki Disease
9 April, 2017
Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation (HKARF), Community Rehabilitation Network of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (CRN) and Systemic Vasculitis Mutual Support Group co-organized the “Pediatric Rheumatology – Kawasaki Syndrome Talk” on 9 April, at Room 501, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. There were a total of 44 participants on that day.
It was our honor to have Dr. Kuo Ho Chang, a doctor from Kaohsiung Chang Gung Children’s Hospital in Taiwan, to explain the symptoms and diagnosis as well as the complications and treatment of Kawasaki Syndrome. Kawasaki Syndrome, also known as “mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome”, was first described in 1967 by a Japanese doctor called “Tomisaku Kawasaki”. This disease is a commonly diagnosed pediatric vasculitis. The average age of onset for Kawasaki Syndrome is about two years old. The specific cause is still unknown and there is neither vaccination nor other preventive intervention available yet. Through case sharing, Dr. Kuo introduced the onset of symptoms to the participants. Dr. Kuo added that blood test may support for the diagnosis, and intravenous injection of gamma globulin within 10 days of onset of symptoms is the most effective treatment, which greatly reduces the risk of coronary artery aneurysms (CAA).
Patients and members of systemic vasculitis support groups were also invited to share their stories in the talk. To raise the public awareness could provide their better understanding of the disease and the patients could receive a proper treatment in time once diagnosis.
At the end of the talk, Dr. Kuo even gave his book to the lucky participants as a gift. The participants were glad to have Dr. Kuo as the speaker and satisfied with the contents and arrangements of the talk, and would like to participate in the upcoming talks on related topics in the future.