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2014 Seasonal Talk – SpA, AS & Exercise

SpA, AS & Exercise
22 March 2014

SpA, AS & Exercise Talk was taken part in the Hall of Breakthrough Centre in Jordan on 22 March 2014. The talk aimed to enhance people’s understanding of the symptoms and treatment of SpA and AS and introduce suitable exercises. There were 138 participants in total.

The talk was started by Dr. YIM Cheuk Wan a specialist in Rheumatology, to introduce the causes of SpondyloArthritis (SpA) and the differences from Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The relation between incident rate and genetic factors was also explained. In general, incident rate of men was 2 to 3 times more than women. Yet, the recent research had suggested the ratio of men and women was 1:1. Moreover, Dr. YIM illustrated the symptoms, complications and treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). He emphasized that patients should quit smoking and be aware of their eating habit to achieve a better therapeutic outcome. The function and side-effects of different medications were also analysed. Finally, Dr. YIM suggested participants with financial difficulty might apply for the Samaritan Fund or HKARF Support Scheme when using biologics.

Apart from this, the talk was continued by Mr. Elton NG, a physiotherapist, to introduce the objectives of treatment. Easing pain, improving mobility and prevention of complications were the main goals of physiotherapy. Mr. NG also introduced the alternate ways in doing housework so as to protect joints. Besides, Mr. NG demonstrated several home exercises particularly for SpA patients. He reminded the audiences that muscle fatigue was very normal after exercises. If the phenomenon or uncomfortable feeling did not improve after 48 hours, participants should seek advice from medical personnel immediately.

The representatives of Hong Kong Ankylosing Spondylitis Association and B27 Association introduced their activities and services respectively. Both of them encouraged the audiences to be more active and help each other.

The talk then followed by a Q&A session where participants actively asked questions. Dr. YIM and Mr. NG answered with patience to solve their doubts. The audiences found the information from the talk useful and showed great interested in the home exercises.

Please click below link to download speakers’ powerpoint:

Dr Yim Cheuk-wan
Mr. Elton Ng

John Doe
