The Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation, formed in 2001, aims to improve the understanding of arthritis and rheumatic conditions commonly seen in Hong Kong and to improve the health-related quality of life of people with these disorders.
Arthritis & rheumatism are among the most prevalent health problems in developed countries. People of all ages may be affected. While some of these conditions are short-lived, the majority are chronic, progressive and disabling. Early recognition, diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and rheumatism are the key to successful living for sufferers with these conditions.
Worldwide, an estimated 355 million people are affected by arthritis and rheumatic disorders. This figure will increase sharply with the increase in the elderly population by the year 2020. There is no cure for most of these disorders but proper understanding and treatment of these conditions will help to provide relief and prevent and reduce chronic disability.
In light of the significant impact of arthritis and rheumatic conditions on the people affected, the community and the world at large, the World Health Organization has endorsed and declared the years 2000 to 2010 as the Bone and Joint Decade. The Hong Kong Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation supports the goals and objectives of the Bone and Joint Decade.